A city full of experiences

Photo: Bridgewalking Lillebælt

In the fortress town of Fredericia, a lot of experiences await the whole family. Find inspiration for what you can do in the city just a few minutes from Madsby Activity Park.

Photo: VisitFredericia


Østerstrand is Fredericia's best beach. Pack your swimsuit for a day of fun.

Kanalbyen - The Canal District of Fredericia
Photo: Dannesboe Fotografi

Kanalbyen - The Canal District of Fredericia

Kanalbyen is a living urban space focused on sustainability, nature, art and development.

Nature Park Søndervold
Photo: Destination Trekantområdet – VisitFredericia

Nature Park Søndervold

Nature Park Søndervold is a recreational oasis in the middle of the city.

Marsvin i Lillebælt
Photo: VisitMiddelfart

Whale Safari from Fredericia

Up for a whale safari?

The Little Belt is home to one of the world's densest populations of porpoises, and on a whale safari, you can get up close to these little whales. Read more about the experience here and book your trip!

Fredericia butikker i centrum og gågade
Photo: VisitFredericia

Shopping in Fredericia

Enjoy the cosy atmosphere in the historical town centre which is full of shops, cafés, restaurants and cultural events all through the year. 

Fredericia Ramparts
Photo: Malik Skydsgaard

Fredericia Ramparts

The Ramparts of Fredericia are among Northern Europe's oldest and most well-preserved fortifications.

Audio walks on Fredericia Ramparts
Photo: @madsostergaard / MoeMent Photo

Audio walks on Fredericia Ramparts

Experience the story of Fredericia Ramparts through exciting audio walks.

The White Water Tower
Photo: Malik Skydsgaard

The White Water Tower

NEW EXPERIENCE: Visit the White Water Tower, one of Fredericia's landmarks, and experience the fantastic view of the Little Belt.

The Venue Tøjhuset
Photo: Fredericia

The Venue Tøjhuset

Tøjhuset, Fredericia's live stage, hosts more than 200 concerts and events each year.

The Cultural Barracks
Photo: Claus Fisker

The Cultural Barracks

The future meeting place for art, culture, and creative entrepreneurship.

Fredericia Musical Theater
Photo: Søren Malmose.

Fredericia Musical Theater

At Fredericia Musical Theater, you can experience magnificent world-class musicals.

Fredericia Town Museum
Photo: Destination Trekantområdet – VisitFredericia

Fredericia Town Museum

Visit Fredericia Town Museum and learn more about Fredericia's exciting history.

Fredericia Library

Fredericia Library

There is space for presence and immersion at Fredericia Library.

Brave Soldier on a Mission
Photo: Destination Trekantområdet – VisitFredericia

Brave Soldier on a Mission

General Rye needs help! Lace up your boots and get ready.

Riddle Hunt: 'Moses & Cathrine: Cursed Love'
Photo: VisitFredericia

Riddle Hunt: 'Moses & Cathrine: Cursed Love'

Occult forces are at play. Can you save Fredericia from the curse?

App-spillet 'Landsoldaten'
Photo: Fredericia Bymuseum

App-spillet 'Landsoldaten'

Væk Fredericias historie til live og hjælp Landsoldaten igennem spillet!

Theatre Malstrøm
Photo: Teater Malstrøm

Theatre Malstrøm

Experience exceptional performances and magnificent theatre at the local Theatre Malstrøm!


Discover Fredericia's events and activities

In VisitFredericia's event calendar, you'll find a multitude of activities for both young and old throughout the entire year.

Visit the event calendar here!

Cirkelbroen på Østerstrand
Østerstrand, børn og unge
Summer holiday with children in Fredericia
Vinterferie med børn i Fredericia
10 Free Experiences in Fredericia