The Bunker Museum in Fredericia
Experience a real bunker and learn more about Fredericia during the Occupation.
Visit a real bunker and get close to history - for free!
Have you ever visited a real bunker?
At the Bunker Museum in Fredericia, you have a unique opportunity to visit one of the many bunkers that were established during Denmark's Occupation. The museum is located in an old bunker and filled with fantastic historical items that tell the story of the time from 1940 to 1945.
Read more about the Bunker Museum here!
A small museum that tells a big story
The Bunker Museum in Fredericia hosts several exhibitions related to Fredericia during the Occupation. Among other things, you can experience a fine picture and sound exhibition with eyewitness accounts, which is part of the Museums in Fredericia's joint exhibition entitled "Dad, what is peace?"
Part of Fredericia Ramparts
The Bunker Museum in Fredericia is located in the heart of Fredericia's largest historical monument: Fredericia Ramparts. The bunker is embedded in the Ramparts, making it easy to combine a visit to the Bunker Museum with a tour of Fredericia Ramparts.
Tip: A historical day in the fortress town
Fredericia holds a truly fantastic and unique history - just waiting to be experienced. For example, start the day with a walk on Fredericia Ramparts and feel the breeze of history. During the day, you can visit both the Bunker Museum and the Fredericia Town Museum - both museums offer free admission and provide an exciting insight into the fortress town by the Little Belt.
Bunker Museum opening hours
Open on Wednesdays, 1-4 PM, and Saturdays, 10 AM-1 PM from 17/6 - 16/9, as well as on special dates - see below:
Sunday, 9/4: 1-4 PM
Thursday, 4/5: 1-4 PM
Friday, 5/5: 1-4 PM
Saturday, 14/10: 10 AM-1 PM (week 42)
Wednesday, 18/10: 1-4 PM (week 42)
Saturday, 21/10: 10 AM-1 PM (week 42)
Bunker Museum in Fredericia - a piece of Danish history
During Denmark's Occupation from 1940 to 1945, around 5,800 shelters were built in Denmark, of which 70 were established in Fredericia. The Bunker Museum is located in one of these 70 civilian shelters. The bunker is a double bunker with two domes, both of which are furnished as museums with exhibits and descriptions of life in the bunker and in Fredericia during the Occupation.
The special exhibition in the bunker is created in collaboration between the Fredericia Military History Association and the Museums in Fredericia, and it is the Fredericia Military History Association that conducts tours of the bunker during the Bunker Museum's opening hours.