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The Owl - Wooden Sculpture in Fuglsang Forest

Go explore Fuglsang Forest and spot the area’s new sculpture, which weighs over 300 kg.

Visit the Owl in Fuglsang Forest – A New Wooden Sculpture Made from Recycled Wood

The newest resident of Fuglsang Forest is larger than most—much larger, in fact. This resident is a massive wooden sculpture weighing over 300 kg, shaped like an owl. The sculpture is made from recycled wood and hangs from one of the area’s large trees.

Fredericia’s Wooden Sculptures: The Tawny Owl, the Black Woodpecker, the White-tailed Eagle, and the Starling with Its Chick

The beautiful wooden owl was created by local artist Mariane Ladegaard Jensen, who has also crafted a large black woodpecker found at Trelde Næs, the white-tailed eagle at Rands Fjord, and the starling with its chick in Madsbyparken.

Better Conditions for Fredericia’s Owls

The owl serves as a symbol of the owl population in the natural areas in and around Fredericia. Efforts are being made in several locations to create better conditions for owls, including the installation of additional owl nesting boxes, particularly in Trelde Næs.

An Owl Within an Owl

The large wooden owl serves a purpose beyond being a decorative feature in the forest canopy. It also functions as an owl nest, providing a home for owl pairs during the breeding season.

You can spot the owl near the nature playground in Fuglsang Forest!


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