Autumn in Fredericia
Fill the autumn with history, culture and fine dining. Fredericia offers many beautiful natural areas along the coast of the Little Belt and in the forests, where you can enjoy the beautiful autumn colours as well.
Inspiration for your autumn in Fredericia
If you're considering an autumn vacation in Jutland close to both the city and the water, you must not miss a stay in Fredericia. This historic fortress town is located in Denmark's largest nature park and offers a wealth of autumn experiences for both young and old.
Find inspiration for your autumn vacation below.
Oplevelser i Naturpark Lillebælt
Red cheeks and yellow leaves
Autumn can be a beautiful time of year - perfect for a good walk in the fresh air.
Fredericia is located in Nature Park Lillebælt, which is the largest nature park in Denmark. Thoughout the year, the nature park hosts activities and guided nature walks - in autumn you can come mushroom hunting and foraging with the nature park guides.
Find more info and register for Nature Park Lillebælt's tours and activities on the booking platform
Trelde Næs
Fredericia's history
Learn more about the royal fortress town of Fredericia and the exciting history that forms the framework for the city.